2015年12月10日 星期四

Restoration Hardware 五斗櫃!

以下這篇是我家千金醬之前寫的,反正就是在介紹他心愛的Restoration Hardware的五斗櫃。這位千金前兩天問我,有人跟他說千金是在形容女生耶!為什麼我都叫他thousand gold????拜託!因為老娘比你man一百倍好不好???這位仁兄出門都要打扮完整才水水出門,哪像我,住台北時有次大樓管理員居然跟我說:“X小姐,早上要不要先梳一下頭髮才下樓呀?!” 沒辦法,我就是很心急想要帶我毛兒子去上廁所咩!>o<
Size: 54"W x 20"D x 33¼"H; 150 lbs.


To me, there's nothing more functional than Restoration Hardware's Printmaker's Sideboard in Antiqued Pine! With three shallow drawers and nine double drawers, I have enough storage space for my many documents, as well as the handful of knickknacks that should otherwise be thrown out. This piece of furniture is placed in the entryway and never fails to draw compliments for its solid pine construction and rustically modern appearance. It weighs a good 150 pounds, so you know it's built to last! For $895US (plus 20% for duty and shipping, 12% for GST and PST, and CAD conversion), which works out to $1400CAD, it's not cheap.

RH includes straps and screws to secure the sideboard against the wall. However, the extra work is unnecessary. It's a solid piece that stands flush against the wall. 

Each of the three shallow drawers at the top row measures close to 6cm, and 39cm longwise.  

Nine double drawers, 16.5cm each, and 39cm longwise.

My long-haired dachshund, Chucky, wonders whether a snack hides in the drawer. 這張照片的亮點是我兒子!!!!^^

